Saturday, April 10, 2010

Misys benefits from US health care reforms

The passage of the US health care reform bill combined with Obama administration's $19bn stimulus package is boosting revenue at Misys which is gearing up to sell software for electronic patient records to US doctors surgeries.The health care business industry is the best industry right now. Misys, owns 57% of Allsripts, the US healthcare software company is expected to be a big beneficiary of stimulus package of which earmarked for helping doctors to modernise their patient recording systems. The growth of health care business us helping to offset declines in Misys's banking division which has been struggling to upgrade its software and win customers.
Revenue at Allscripts healthcare business was up 16% in 3rd quarter to  the end of February, helping lift overall turnover at the company 7% on a constant basis to 192m pounds.

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