Wednesday, August 11, 2010

The recent price rise of food grains-an analysis

The recent food crisis of 2007-08 and a following hike in the price of essential food crops affected countries of Asia and Africa.This was the highest in thirty years.It increased wheat price to an unprecedented level
that time.That food shortage occured due to bad food crops in countries like Australia,Canada and other parts of Europe.
Almost reminiscent of that event, there is a mild price increase happened for wheat price recently.It came upto $8 a bushek last week. But analysts does not see a chance of food crisis and a persistent  rise in price
like that happended three years ago as world assumes a better position in terms of food shortage.Because of
US farmers has had enough stock of wheat(30m tons) and inventories of rice,corn and other commodities
are also at healthy label.Many observers don't see a possiblity of a price rise due to various factors at present.
Oil price less and less energy price can cause manure price cheaper.So farmers can increase food production.
the world's food grain stocks were at about 528m tonnes at much safe level compared to a situation
of 2007-08.
Experts opined that Govts might worsen the problem by imposing ban on exports and importers buy
more amount of food crops like the same happended 3 years back.
This rise in price of food grains came agaiist the backdrop of severe drought occured in Russia,Ukrain
and kazakhstan.
Three countries are world's top ten wheat exporters and key suppliers to countries in Middle East and Africa.
However,wheat price increased by 50% during the last two month's, even if food crisis is not severe
and it cannot be overruled. Analysts and traders observe a drop in production of wheat in Russia.
Also accompanied by, Kazakhstan and Ukrain may also produce less

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